These are some of the great sentences that have come from my chatterbox daughter's mouth. I wrote them as she said them; many of them were the week ending November 15.
I need da pen.
Daddy put da bandaid on.
Da ball ta-ting [taking] a bath.
I want taw-tit [chocolate] miwt [milk], mommy.
My book at my libay [library]!
I weep [sleep] well in my tib [crib].
My duttie [duckie] floating and laying down.
Da leaves outhide [outside] fell off the tree.
Mommy, come in my room, mommy.
Lana has a baby inhide.
Daddy went the batho [bathroom].
My new tup [cup] at Tar-it {Target].
Da mouse holding da ball (while I'm reading a Mercer Mayer book to her)
I wanna hit [sit] on Mommy.
We were reading her book that contains pictures of flags, and I started pointing and naming the countries they represent. She stopped me so she could point to the last one: ours. And what did she say? Nothing that was like USA or America. She said "weh-da-bama" -- the same word she says when we show her Obama and ask her who it is. Apparently she knows that our flag has something to do with him. I am fascinated by this!
She says "too" all the time now. For example, if I say, "We like to read books," she says, "I like to read books, too."
My little sister was the photographer at the birthday party that night. We had most of our immediate families and two of our grandparents there. D prepared things for our yummy chicken tacos while I hurried back home to get the ice cream we had forgotten. It turned out to be really fun and we missed those who weren't able to come. Shboogoo loves singing the Happy Birthday song now. These were the best of the photos.