Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shelfari vs. Goodreads

One of the Susans (the youngest one) in my ward told me about a website that has different virtual bookshelves to show what a person has read, is reading now, etc. I thought it sounded really interesting. Later I couldn't remember the name of it exactly; duh, I should have just called her. I was thinking it was "shelfinar" but that wasn't right. My Google search lead me to Goodreads. I signed up, and a few of you use it. Then I saw on someone's blog that she liked Shelfari so I signed up for that, too, knowing it was the one Susan recommended.

After comparing the two for a while I decided that because . . .
it lets you switch back and forth between a list view and a bookshelf view
it automatically includes the shelves Favorites, Own, and Wishlist
the book covers in the bookshelf view have three sizes to choose from
there are different ways to sort, such as by date added or by rating
you can create tags (instead of having tons of "bookshelves")
the more books with that tag, the bigger the words of the tag are
hovering over one of your books creates a window where you can make changes
and it seems easier to use and much more appealing visually
. . . I prefer Shelfari.

{be my friend on there! I use my gmail address}

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