Sunday, April 12, 2009

we're even more than four and a half . . .

we're five! (Click on the word "five" if you don't know what song I just paraphrased. That part comes at about 1:20.)

Last week my husband and I celebrated five years of marriage! We were in California without our two-year-old from April 3rd through 5th; then his unit had to go back and I flew home. The two of us had a really good Korean dinner that Saturday night. It was so nice to be together, and it was fun to meet new people and hang out with the other wives. I gave him the card I made him (the picture above shows part of the inside).



Us, still in love.
Several couples took pictures in this spot outside the hotel on the last day. It was warm and sunny.

1 comment:

  1. aah It sounds like a was a great time for you guys to spend together! And it looks like it was nice and sunny too! :) yay! Congrats on your 5 years!!!! :D


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