Sunday, December 8, 2013

grateful thoughts

I knew this day was coming. My husband and I have now lived in this apartment longer than we've lived anywhere else together. (We didn't want to be here this long, but Heavenly Father has helped us change our attitudes.) I like figuring things out with dates. It's interesting how many times the same duration of time has been significant for us. Let me explain. As of yesterday we have lived here for two years and seven months. We had been married for two years and seven months when we became parents. We lived in that condo -- Shboogoo's first home -- for two years and seven months. She was two years and seven months old when Second Girl was born. My husband spent almost that long living on the opposite side of the world during his deployments, and there is almost that much space between Second Girl and Third Girl. They are just over two years and six months apart.

I feel grateful today:

For these memories, my husband, and our children. For the priesthood blessing he gave me last week when I had a very bad headache. For my Savior and His birth, death, and resurrection. For Christmas devotionals and songs that are about Him. That I can sing and play the piano and serve in that way. For ups along with the downs. For the lessons that I hope I have learned (and re-learn) while we've been here, and the qualities I hope I am developing. For friends. For the good that is online, including a blog post called Hope for Dark TimesFor my first Time Out For Women, and my sister's friend who told us we could attend it for free because of their scholarship. 
my sister, Hilary Weeks, and me at Time Out For Women
I'm grateful for what I have. I don't have some other woman's nice shoes, ability to decorate her home and do her hair well, or strong flat belly -- but I have First Girl, Second Girl, and Third Girl (I think their real names when I think about this). I was not in a good mood this morning, and I'm still going through a hard time. But I am so glad that Heavenly Father is patient with me. I am grateful that I felt an abundance of the Holy Spirit during church, that I remembered personal spiritual blessings from the past, that I have a ward family, and that all of this strengthened me today. I love this verse from the Book of Mormon:
And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.

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